Sunday Services

Lord's Day (Sunday)
9.15 am Sunday School
10 am Morning Service
5.30 pm Evening Service

Bible Study and Prayer 

7.30 pm Bible Study and Prayer Meeting
All are welcome to join with us for Bible study and prayer.


Our aim is to worship God in spirit and in truth. Our services are conducted with reverence with praise, prayer and expository preaching. We use the New King James Bible and sing from Christian Hymns (1977 version) accompanied by a piano or acapella.
Our services typically last for 60 to 75 minutes.
Tea and coffee are served after each service.


We hold communion (The Lord's Table) following the morning service on the third Sunday of every month.
The Lord’s Table is for those who have been baptised on profession of faith in the Lord, have examined themselves and are walking in repentance and fellowship with Christ.
Members in good standing from other gospel churches are welcome to join with us.

Fellowship lunch

A bring and share fellowship lunch is held following the morning service on the forth Sunday of each month.
This is a chance to fellowship together and get to know one another over an informal meal. All are welcome to join with us (regardless of whether you have been able to bring food).

Child care

Children are welcome to stay and participate in the church services - it is always a delight to see children taking part and nobody is disturbed by any noise they may make. We provide books for younger children and notes sheets for older children to help them concentrate and remember the main points of the service. A room with a video link is provided if you would like to take children out of the service.

Video links

Our services are video streamed to the side room in the chapel. Please feel free to use this room during the service.


All our services are live streamed via Youtube and video recorded and uploaded to our channel for watching later. Links are available on the website and via @hydestchapel Facebook for those that are unable to attend in person.


Our Sunday services are amplified and the chapel is also fitted with a hearing loop system.


We have RAMP ACCESS for wheelchairs.
Please speak to the Church Member at the front door, as the access is behind the chapel and you will need to be directed. However, please note there are no parking facilities at the rear of the chapel.


We support several Missionary Societies and we invite visiting speakers on a regular basis to keep us informed about the work.
We hope that you will find these links to be helpful and of interest.